West of England Rural Network

Working across South Gloucestershire, Bath & North East Somerset,
North Somerset & Bristol

We support and work with communities, businesses, social enterprises, organisations and individuals on a wide range of matters that impact on rural areas.

We work with local authorities, other statutory services, the West of England Combined Authority and the new Integrated Care Systems to influence policy and to ensure that the impacts on rural communities are always considered.

Being a member of ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) we are able to call on the expertise and experience of colleague Rural Community Councils from across the network which gives us national reach and links to national government bodies.

Message on behalf of WERN Trustee Board

The West of England Rural Network’s long-standing Executive Director, Chris Head, has shared with us that he will be stepping down at the end of June to become the Policy and Partnership Manager at North Somerset Council. While this may have come as a surprise to trustees and staff, he has given his decision careful thought.

After over 12 years with WERN, Chris has led and developed the organisation to one which now works on the ground with communities and beneficiaries in B&NES, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, in addition to working strategically across the wider West of England with partners in the VCSE, local government and the health systems, with whom WERN is now a key partner.

The board recognises Chris’ hard work and invaluable contribution to WERN, and we want to express our gratitude for the support and guidance he has provided to us while wishing him every success in his new role. We are also committed to consolidating and building on his work, but this will require careful consideration and, over the coming months, we will be working with the senior management team to start the search for a successor Chief Officer.

During this period the existing senior management team of Denise Perrin, Tina Huckle-Mills and Dick Whittington will continue to focus on their areas of work, and they will be joined by Emma Collier who will be providing business development and fundraising support. Dick Whittington will be acting up into the Executive Director role to maintain continuity whilst we go through this transition and recruitment process.

The board and the WERN staff team are looking forward to building on the first 12 years of WERN and are excited about expanding and developing our reach under new leadership. Our funders, partners and stakeholders can be confident that we will continue to be a well-connected, agile and user-focused organisation making a genuine difference to the communities in the West of England.

25 May 2024

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